Stewards of the New Earth 

 Sanctify your life. Set yourself free.

Fulfill your mission.

FREE Foundations Class
FREE Outer Sovereignty Starter Kit

Stewards of the New Earth

 Sanctify your life.

Set yourself free.

Fulfill your mission.

FREE Offer for Inner Sovereignty
FREE Offer for Outer Sovereignty

A Mystery School 

is a spiral path of healing, awakening, and embodying the teachings to fuel the evolution of consciousness.

Here at ArborVitae Mystery School we anchor deeply with the Earth and lean in to a blend of ancient teachings along with the emergent, unfurling wisdom of the Gaian Codex to support our inner alchemy, soul evolution, and the fulfillment of our missions. Join the Membership to go deep together.

Reclaim the sovereignty of your birthright by learning to use lawful structures based in the Common Law, the Law of the Land, which is derived from Natural Law & God’s Law. Create an Express Trust in our self-paced digital course called Establishing Trust, and pair it with a Private Membership Association or a Church, depending on your needs.

If you know this for you, but it all feels a bit out of reach at the moment, you may like to begin with some Private Sessions to clear and tune your system to become a vessel for all that wants to come through you as a sacred sovereign creator.

Allow these offerings to support you to trust Life, metabolize your shadow, embody your gifts, and be a blessing in the world, as we learn to steward the New Earth in Sovereign Unity.

Contribute to the Membership Scholarship Fund


New Paradigm Leadership 10-Day Bootcamp


Mystery School Membership

Join NOW!

Establishing Trust

Start Today!

Private Sessions

Do the Deep Work

I'm Natalie,

and I live a medicine journey. The events of Life and signs from the natural world inspire deep listening for the most aligned path. This practice guides my life and the teachings offered through ArborVitae Mystery School.

I work with sensitive folks, evolutionaries, and stewards of the New Earth, because I am these things too. I teach from experience.

Daily praise, and blessing this beautiful Earth walk, evokes authentic gratitude and a deep sense of connection. Balancing reverence with a sense of humor and playfulness keeps it real.

More About Natalie

"Natalie has had a profound influence on my personal growth in the last 5 years. It has been quite a revelation to shed light on deeper layers of my unconscious patterning in order to be able to work with not just the shadow side, but also the gifts of my essential nature. I can’t speak highly enough about this work — it has been a game changer." 

~ Jess

Self-knowledge is the foundation of aligned creation.

One of the foundational lessons Of ArborVitae Mystery School is self-awareness. It's important to know where we are, in order to create our becoming. Learning to track oneself, the actual needs we have, and how to meet them is essential.

Self-care must be a priority.

Tending to our emotions and physical well-being is fundamental to serving from a resourced place and building a sustainable life. Join the FREE New Paradigm Leadership 10-Day Bootcamp to establish a strong foundation to support your mission.

Begin Bootcamp Mañana
  "Three and a half years ago Life directed me to begin studying with Natalie. Since our time together began, I have experienced more growth, embodiment and return to essence than I truly ever believed was possible. The way that Natalie has shown up in her authenticity, service, and pure heart are unparalleled from any teacher, instructor, or mentor I have ever worked with. Her willingness to stand in her vision fully has inspired and empowered me in ways that continue to bring me, in an ever unfolding spiral, more and more home to myself. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to continue learning from such a gifted human. Deepest gratitude."

Tend the soil to nourish the roots, 

nourish the roots to bear good fruits