Hurricane Helene ~ A Great Cleansing

evolution new earth the medicine of life Nov 08, 2024

This is a compilation of several social media posts I made in the weeks following the storm here in Asheville, sharing my perspective on what occurred and continues to unfold.


Trees started falling during a ceremony I facilitated last Winter Solstice. A giant old oak crashed into the yard of a friend's house, narrowly missing...anything. It fell in the only place it could've without damaging a thing.

Then I discovered another old oak fell on the spring where I had been getting my drinking water. It crushed the pipe between one spring box and another, making the flow stop.

I invited a friend to go with me to make offerings and investigate. She's super tuned in, and had been doing land work already for a while. I asked her what she noticed...


She said “…there will be a great cleansing here."

I said "here in this holler at this spring? Or Asheville??..."

She said “…the whole area."


We completed our offerings and made our way quietly back to the main roads. A kestrel swooped down in the center of our windshield view and led the way for several yards, as I slowed way down. Then it landed on a branch, turned its head, and looked me right in the eye.


A stunning little falcon, not often seen around these parts. A powerful omen.


So, as really, tragically, epically destroyed some the infrastructure of this precious place is... The high mountain streams are running clear over bedrock.

As many people have passed on in this cataclysm, may their souls fly free and easy 🌬️🕊️💫 

As toxic as the mud is, perhaps consciousness can now illuminate the fallacy of building a plastics plant on the bank of a giant old river, or any waterway for that matter. And now that a decision has been made to add Aluminum Sulfate to the entire North Fork Reservoir, which provides water to the majority of Asheville, may we finally wake up to the insanity of resolving short-term symptoms with “solutions” that bring bigger problems down the line.

As so many pepper social media with stories of weather modification and geo-engineering, we all become more aware of the level of absolute fuckery at play on our precious planet, and how much power we actually have to shift it. I know of at least 4 distinct circles of people who actively engaged with energy work and practical magic to allay and disperse the following storm down south. 

Over the last nine months, and especially on the morning of September 27th, many many trees have fallen, especially old oaks, revealing rotted out root structures with a shallow grip, illustrating the dismantling of old structures that are falling away…


I, like so many, was "called" to Asheville in the summer of 2000. Those early days were full of downloads, direct through dreams and visions, and through stories that circulated freely in the streets back then. This is a magical city on magical land, and those of us who love here know it.

These are the oldest mountains on the planet. These mountains are precious, and not just to those who would extract them down to the bones for fiat dollars. The folks here are some of the most tenacious, resilient, heartful, and community oriented people in the country. There is a power here much greater than money, there is a strength here much greater than the force exerted by those who would bend nature to their will for personal gain. The false power of control doesn't stand a chance in the face of all this LIFE. We have deep roots, and we are rising in love.


The New Earth is birthing here, now, and the waters have broken 💦


How do I know that Asheville is the seat of the New Earth? I just Know. This place is a portal of divine feminine energy and christ consciousness, full stop. I've known for many years. This is why we came. We've been waiting and preparing.

How does the New Earth unfold in real time? There are so many layers... 

Energy workers coming together to clear and correct corrupted fields, establish and strengthen exalted templates, and protect what is sacred.

Many many men, working endlessly to remove downed trees and repair roads so folks can move freely to access supplies and visit their people. And just today, men up on the mountain where I walk every day and make my offerings, hooking up an old spring to bring water down to the road.

So many people organizing supply stations, prioritizing the most pressing needs, and making supply runs to folks who can only be accessed by dirt bike, helicopter, or ATV. 

Each remote rural neighborhood -- of folks who barely knew each other before -- has become a team, sharing resources, skills, and their hearts with each other.

Local healers are donating services of massage, acupuncture, energy healing, herbal remedies, somatic therapies and trauma healing to frontline workers and anyone who needs support.

A professional disaster relief specialist is quoted as saying "I've never seen people like you here in Asheville! People keep asking me if I need anything!"

People are pouring in from other states with supplies and equipment to share in the restoration efforts.

Donations are pouring in from around the country to individuals who will direct funds to the places of most need with efficiency and lack of red tape. GoFundMe accounts are set up for specific projects like well and water testing and remediation.


These are people, men and women, on the land, helping our neighbors, helping each other.


The government has contributed relatively little to resolve this catastrophe, and in fact, has stymied the efforts of volunteers in some cases.

We the people have it in hand. We are the ones we've been waiting for. The old systems are losing relevance.

We are the midwives of this birth, and that includes you, if you are.

Hold the vision, and the love for this process, offer support when needed, and help clean up if you're called to. We are not done yet, there are more contractions to come…



In the weeks following the storm I visited Pensacola North Carolina, just south of Burnsville, along the Cane River, one of the most severely impacted areas by Hurricane Helene.

I was called there to facilitate the creation of a Charitable Trust to hold an emerging project that is being brought forth from the hearts of good men who are showing up, listening, and acting in accord.

We spent a couple of hours in a water damaged RV, hashing out the details and coming to full alignment about the nature of the project and the Trust structure itself. Then I set myself up in a corner of the mess tent of the supply depot, plugged into a solar fed extension cord, to work up the documents.

People came and went, ate, refilled the coffee, and talked. I overheard a number of conversations about logistics, feeling tired and worn out, who needs what, and how to best help each other. My favorite quote articulated what I was already feeling so strongly, in the whole region, and specifically on this day, in this particular place, doing my work, God’s work, in service to the collective wellbeing: I heard a woman say “and all along, the light of God is shining through.”

Yes. It is indeed. And you can’t stop that for nuthin’.

God bless WNC, for real.

~ Natalie Rose Martin


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