Learn the 6 Soul Patterns

Mystic ✶ Shapeshifter ✶ Chief ✶ Bearer ✶ Warrior ✶ Hero

Revolutionize your personal practice,

relationships, & professional practice

with the Soul Patterns.

✶ Join the Live Training ✶
Special offer through September 17th
Use coupon code SHAPESHIFTER

Unlock the mystery of the subconscious patterns that run in and through every aspect of your life and creation.


Multidimensional personal and professional development for mentors, coaches, therapists, healers and medicine people.


This is a living library of universal wisdom, which has been discovered, developed, and shared by many teachers through time.


Understanding the gifts and shadows of your Soul Patterns provides a framework for radical self-responsibility which is the foundation of inner sovereignty.

This is a deep dive into a system which offers illumination of, and compassion for, the energetic operating systems we run as people, at a soul level.
Learn all about the underlying patterns that manifest our personalities, gifts, shadows and life lessons. We explore the patterns intellectually as well as energetically and experientially.
Understanding these patterns is fundamental to being radically self-responsible in medicine space, eliminating potential harm, and fully integrating journey work, for you and your clients.
Elevate your mentoring, coaching or therapy practice, and move your clients into a dynamic process of unwinding the deepest level of patterning, integrating shadow, embodying essence, and developing mastery.
Or simply take your own practice of shadow work and self-mastery to the next level ~ this work is a game changer.
Live cohort begins September 19th, 2024
Thursdays 1pm eastern, 6 weeks
How you do one thing is how you do everything, and when you understand how to work with the deepest level of being, it changes everything.
I had been doing energy healing for 6 years already when I discovered the Soul Patterns. I was hungry and ready for a new way to work, and this system launched me forward in my life and mastery.


Working with the Soul Patterns for the last 8 years has been the single most transformative practice for myself and my clients, in all my years of training and practice. I'm so looking forward to sharing them with you.
~ Natalie Rose Martin

Join the Course!


Early Bird through September 17th

  • 6 live video calls, 90 minutes each
  • Live attendance is encouraged, recordings will be available
  • Pre-work intro class 
  • Learn to recognize each of the patterns and how to work with them in yourself and others
  • Experiential, energetic practices to bring balance to the patterns ~ new tools!
  • Extensive chart for visual reference
  • Life changing shifts in all areas
  • Use discount code through September 17th ~ SHAPESHIFTER
Enroll NOW
If you're not ready to jump all the way in, start with Discover the Soul Patterns to see if you'd like more ~
Access the pre-work class HERE