Welcome to The Medicine Path





...where there is no place to get to, but a continuous arriving in divine timing, exactly where you are.

The Medicine Path is a perspective, it is a choice to experience Life through a lens of interconnectivity. Psychedelics and entheogens are powerful allies in this choice - they open the pathways to see, feel, and know our intrinsic connection with all of Life.

  Psychedelic Education for Evolving Consciousness

Psychedelics are powerful tools for healing, wholeness &

  • self-awareness
  • self-actualization
  • quickening evolution
  • cultivating community
  • collective solutions
  • aligning with Life

The Medicine Path is offered in 4 Volumes

Volume 1 - The Medicines:

Orientation to Psychedelics

A comprehensive 6 week introduction and orientation to a range of psychedelic medicines. Everything you need to know to begin your journey with confidence, and to deepen and expand your practice for those with experience. Also, what is an entheogen? Prerequisite (or equivalent) for Volumes 3 & 4.

Learn More

Volume 2 - The People:

Soul Patterns

A deep dive into a system which offers illumination of, and compassion for, the energetic operating systems we run. We learn all about the underlying patterns that manifest our personalities, gifts, shadows and life lessons. We explore the patterns intellectually as well as energetically and experientially. The content here is fundamental to being radically self-responsible in medicine space, and fully integrating journey work, therefore it is a prerequisite for Volumes 3 & 4

Volume 3 - Tuning the Self:

Tailored Sessions

A series of one-on one consults, assessments,  energy sessions and distantly supported journeys tailored to each participant. Medicine is not provided by AVMS. Prerequisite for Volume 4.

Volume 4 - Tending The Path:

Preparing to Hold Others

Suitable for those who are called to offer medicine work to others. It is recommended to have previous training in therapy or healing work, or to attend the Sacred Earthling Accelerator at AVMS. This is not a certification program, only you and the medicine will know when you are ready.


Ongoing Mentorship is available for those who complete The Medicine Path series and desire supervision and support walking the path.

The Medicine Path is simmering on a back burner

Mmm, love a good slow cook;) Join the AVMS circle to receive updates, and reply to an email to let us know if you want to be first in line for The Medicine Path.

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